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Alhambra. History and Conservation

Guest:Camilla Mileto & Fernando Vegas. Curriculum Vitae

Depto. Composición Arquitectónica, ETS Arquitectura, Universitat Politècnica de València, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia (Spain). 

Tel: + 34 626133671

Fax: + 34 963877449



Present situation

- Professors at Universidad Politécnica of Valencia, Spain

- Named experts of the European Program Rehabimed

- Directors of the journal Loggia – Arquitectura & Restauración, UPV, ISSN: 1136-758-X,

- Directors in Spain of the Unitwin UNESCO Chair for Earthen Architecture, Constructive Cultures and Sustainable Development


Main Architectural Works

- Silkworkers garden (Valencia, Spain), 1998. Unbuilt

- Maldonado subsidised housing units (Valencia, Spain), 1999-2007. Built

- Church of S. Pedro at Benifassá, (Castellón, Spain), 2000-2006. Built

- Bellvís Appartments (Valencia, Spain), 2001-2006. Built

- Belltower the Church Sta. Mª Asunción of Vistabella, (Castellón, Spain), 2002-06. Built

- Prelim. Study of Upper Galleries, Myrtles’ Court, Alhambra, (Granada, Spain), 2002-06

- Buddhist Meditation Centre on Monte Boí (Castellón, Spain), 2003. Unbuilt

- Preliminary Study of Little Kitchen, Lion’s Court, Alhambra, (Granada, Spain), 2004

- Conversion of Santa María de Monfero into a hotel, 2004. Competition Accesit

- Extension of Bellvís Appartments, 2004-2006

- Mansión de la Madrina, Valencia 2004-2010. Built

- Càlig Tower (Castellón, Spain), 2005-2010. Built

- Recaredo subsidised housing units (Valencia, Spain), 2005-2010. Built

- Conversion of the former Barbershop at the Alhambra (Granada, Spain), 2007-09. Built

- Master plan for Monzón Castle, (Huesca, Spain), 2007-2009

- Master plan for the historical center of Chelva, (Valencia, Spain), 2008-2010

- Bofilla Tower (Valencia, Spain), 2009-2010. Built

- Church of Linares de Mora (Teruel, Spain), 2009-2012. Built

- La Mola Fortress (Menorca island, Spain), 2011-2013. Built

- Garden of Memory at Vinaròs (Castellón, Spain) 2014-2015. Built

- Mortuary Chapel at Vila-Real (Castellón, Spain), 2014-15. Built



- 1st European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage (Europa Nostra 2004)

- 1st National Research Prize Concepción Arenal 2004, Spain, with J.L. Montero

- Medal Europa Nostra 2008

- 1st European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage (Europa Nostra 2011)

- 1st International Award Domus Restauro e Conservazione 2012

- 1st European Award AADIPA 2013 for the book Homo Faber

- Finalist European Award AADIPA 2013 for the book Aprendiendo a restaurar

- Europa Nostra Mention Award 2013 for the restoration of Bofilla Tower

- 1st Prize S. Miguel M. Aparicio 2014 for a research on the city of Valencia

- Finalist European Award AADIPA 2015 for the book La restauración de la tapia

- 2nd IQU Award 2016 Innovazione e Qualità Urbana for the garden at Vinaròs

- Honourable Mention of the INTBAU Excellence Awards 2016

- International Prize Domus-Special Prize for International Education Section 2017

- 1st Eur. Award AADIPA 2017 for VerSus: Lessons from Vernacular for Sustainable Arch.

- 2017 Architizer A+Awards Special Mention: Mortuary Chapel at Vila-Real

- Honourable Mention 11ème Prix Européen d’Architecture Philippe Rotthier 2017.


Research Projects

- Integration of Traditional and new Techniques for the Protection and Conservation of Historical Built heritage in Earthquake-prone Areas (ERB IC18-CT98-0385 / DG 12 CEOR); EU, 2000-2002

- Non Destructive Techniques for the Preservation of Architectural Heritage (GV00-126-9); GV, 2001-2002, together with Prof. J.Fco. Noguera Giménez

- Development of an informatic architectural system for modelising, documenting and multimedia difunding of cultural heritage (HUM2005-03152); MEC, 2005-2008, together with Prof. José Luis Lerma

- Terra Incognita (Convention nº. 2006-2344), European Comission (Culture 2000), 2006-2007

- Coupoles et habitats. Une tradition constructive entre Orient et Occident (Convention n. 2007-1134/001-001), European Comission, 2007-2009, Estudio para la restauración de las viviendas-cúpula construidas en adobe, Siria

- Terra Incognita II. Architectures de terre en Europe (Convention 149188. Culture 2007), European Comission, 2009-2011

- ResTapia. La restauración de la arquitectura de tapia en la Península Ibérica. Criterios, técnicas, resultados y perspectivas” (BIA2010-18921).

- European Union Research Project VerSus – Vernacular Heritage Sustainable Architecture

- SOStierra. “La restauración y rehabilitación de arquitectura tradicional de tierra en la Península Ibérica. Líneas guía y herramientas para una intervención sostenible” (Ref.: BIA2014-55924-R)



- VEGAS, MILETO: Memoria construida. ADIRA, 2001

- VEGAS, MILETO: Renovar conservando, M. Rincón de Ademuz, Casas Bajas 2007

- MILETO, VEGAS: Homo faber. Mancom. del Rincón de Ademuz, Casas Bajas 2008

- AAVV: Terra Incognita. Argumentum, Brussels 2008

- AAVV: Terra Europae, ETS, Pisa 2011

- VEGAS, MILETO: Aprendiendo a restaurar, COACV, Valencia 2011

- VEGAS, MILETO, CRISTINI (eds.): Rammed Earth Conservation, CRC, London 2012

- VEGAS, MILETO: Lazos de alarife / Entrelacs de bâtisseur, OMAU, Málaga 2013

- MILETO, VEGAS, GARCÍA, CRISTINI (eds.): Vernacular Architecture. Towards a Sustainable Future, CRC Press Balkema, London 2014

- MILETO, VEGAS, GARCÍA, CRISTINI (eds.): Earthen Architecture. Past, Present and Future, CRC Press Balkema, London 2014

- MILETO, VEGAS (eds.): La restauración de la tapia en la Península Ibérica, TC Ediciones / Argumentum, Valencia / Lisboa 2014

- AAVV: VERSUS. Lessons from vernacular heritage to sustainable architecture, CRAterre, Grenoble 2014

- CORREIA, DIPASQUALE, MECCA (eds.): Versus. Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture, Firenze University Press, Firenze

- MILETO, VEGAS (eds.): Centro histórico de Valencia. Ocho siglos de arquitectura residencial, TC Ediciones, Valencia 2015

Host: Shao Yong

Professor of Tongji University

Time:  18:30 pm, 2017/10/31

Room: Building B 


Co-sponsored by

Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd.
Arcplus Group PLC
World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the Auspices of UNESCO (WHITRAP)
Shanghai Construction No.4 (Group) Co., Ltd.

Administered by

Ministry of Education of PRC

Sponsored by

Tongji University

Published by

Tongji University Press

​Springer Nature

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